Research Tools

All-in-One Search

All-in-One Search

Provides instant access to essential data such as liquidity, volume, market cap, holders, and historical performance for any token.

Allows users to quickly gather comprehensive information about different tokens in one place, facilitating informed trading decisions.

Real-Time Market Data

Real-Time Market Data

Offers up-to-the-second updates on price changes and market movements.

Keeps traders informed about the latest market dynamics, enabling them to react promptly to market changes.

On-Chain Metrics

On-Chain Metrics

Tracks active addresses, whale activity, and token age distribution.

Helps users understand the underlying activities on the blockchain, providing insights into the behavior of large holders and the general movement of tokens.

Governance Insights

Governance Insights

Monitors proposal success rates and voting patterns for decentralized protocols.

Assists users in understanding the governance landscape of protocols, which can influence investment decisions based on the democratic health and activity of a project.

Technical Analysis

Technical Analysis

Identifies trends, support/resistance levels, and moving averages.

Equips traders with the necessary tools to perform technical analysis, helping predict future market movements based on past price actions.

Market Sentiment Analysis

Market Sentiment Analysis

Gauges community mood and headline sentiment through social media and news monitoring.

Provides insights into the overall sentiment of the market, which can be a leading indicator of market direction based on public perception and media influence.

Tailored Trading Strategies

Tailored Trading Strategies

Includes risk assessment tools, diversification suggestions, and identifies yield farming opportunities.

Offers customized trading strategies that help manage risk and maximize returns, catering to individual trader needs and market conditions.

Automated Alerts & Notifications

Automated Alerts & Notifications

Sends instant notifications about price alerts and significant market trends.

Ensures that traders never miss critical market opportunities and are always updated on important changes and potential trading signals.

Embedded Research Tools

Embedded Research Tools

Embedded tools for deeper analysis including price evolution, social media sentiment, and news sentiment analysis.

Provides deeper insights directly within the trading platform, allowing for seamless integration of research and trading activities.

Investment Strategies

Investment Strategies

Custom recommendations, risk management tips, and portfolio diversification analysis.

Supports traders in developing sophisticated investment strategies that align with their risk tolerance and market goals.

Education and Awareness

Education and Awareness

Offers guided learning about key concepts like slippage, impermanent loss, and gas fees.

Educates users on complex trading and financial concepts, enhancing their trading skills and knowledge.


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